Day 8 Train ride through the Sacred Valley and Cuzco-5.8.19

This morning we checked out of our hotel and headed to the train station. Again we had first an hour and forty-five minute train ride to Ollantaytambo., then a train ride to Cuzco. The scenery we passed was amazing, first jungle than highlands. We passed the start of the Inca Trail and saw hikers and porters on the trail. I was thrilled to see this first hand since our daughter Kate had done this hike in 2010.

Porters loaded down with tents and supplies needed for the hike. They even cook for the hikers. The Inca trail hike takes 4 days and 3 nights to reach Machu Picchu.
This is the sign that marks the starting point of the Inca Trail hike.
A group of hikers was starting their hike to Machu Picchu.
A scene from my window of the highlands on our two hour bus ride back to Cuzco.

We checked into our hotel and after putting our luggage into our rooms, we headed out to lunch. Everything was pre-ordered, so lunch was quick. Then we went immediately on a tour of the central plaza of Cuzco called Plaza de Armas. The Cuzco Cathedral was next. Pepe took our group through the church highlighting the paintings and the elaborate pulpits. I will never forget the painting of the Last Supper with a guinea pig on a plate. It was painted by an Peruvian artist who used their foods in the picture. He also painted a person next to Jesus without a beard. There is speculation that maybe it was Jesus’ younger brother or Mary Madeline. Also there were statues of Jesus on the cross with a long skirt rather than just a loin cloth that we see in our churches.

This church was also on the main square of the plaza diagonal from the cathedral. It is not common to have two churches. This is not the mother Catholic church but is overseen by the Jesuits.
Painting of the Last Supper that is in the cathedral. Judas is the one looking away from Jesus. Also notice the person to the right of Jesus. This figure does not have a beard. See the cuy or guinea pig on the plate and The Peruvian vegetables.
This is the beautiful Cuzco Cathedral which is the mother church of the Roman Catholic ArchdioceseIt of Cuzco. It took a hundred years to build and was finished in 1654. An earthquake leveled construction and so they had to start again. When the Spanish conquered the Incas in Cuzco, this church was built on the foundation of the Inca palace. Some feel that this cathedral is the most beautiful one in all of South America. ( In the picture students were practicing marching.)
This is the central fountain in the Plaza de Armas. . The square is where the most important festivals of Cuzco take place such as the Inca Festival and the Festival of Corpus Christi.

Everyone in our group went along with Pepe to a nearby restaurant for supper. Then most of us retired for the evening. Tomorrow we will be going to small villages outside of Cuzco for “A Day in the Life” to learn about the Peruvian culture in the rural areas. O.A.T., Overseas Adventure Travel, feels it is very important to have “hands-on”cultural experiences. Check out tomorrow’s post to find out what we did. Buenas notches!