Friday, June 26th
For those you who do not know, I am in Hawaii. I accompanied my friend Betty Murphy to the International Lions Club Convention in Honolulu. We left yesterday on a 7:30 am flight from Philadelphia and with two flights and a delayed layover in LA, we arrived at our hotel last night around 7 pm Honolulu time. Since they are 6 hours behind us, it was about 1 am back home. We were exhausted!
Today was the day we planned to head to the windward side of Oahu to Hanauma Bay. This is a natural preserve noted for great snorkel. I had called ahead and wrote down in great detail how to catch bus 22 to this beach. Unfortunately I asked the hotel staff and they told us to take bus 23. That was not correct, but a kind bus driver helped us find the correct bus stop to catch 22. However by this time we missed the 8:00 bus and found out the next bus wasn’t until 9. After sitting for about 15 minutes, a guy in a not so great looking van pulled up and said he would take us to Hanauman Bay for 5 bucks each. I decided to jump on the chance, although I could tell Betty thought I had lost my mind. The van driver stopped at several bus stops trying to get more passengers and finally a guy from Belgium was added. In our conversation with him, we found out he was a policeman. Then Betty ( and I ) felt much better. I am happy to report that we got to our destination just fine and a lot faster because of my rash decision!
Hanauma Bay was once a volcanic crater and is now just a visual delight! You really didn’t have to swim very far to be over reef with lots of colorful fish. I loved every minute of this place and wished we could have stayed longer.

We had to catch the 12:30 bus for Sea Life Park, about a 15 minute drive from the bay. Betty had signed up for a session to swim with the dolphins at 3:15. We did have time to take in a dophin show and a lion show before her swim. I watched and was the designated photographer. Luckily their was a real photographer on hand as well.

We caught the 5:00 bus back to our hotel and were quite pleased with ourselves for our first day’s adventure. After a dinner at a restaurant down the street, we were once again exhausted and called it a day! We did everything we had planned. So far, so good. Stayed turned for Day 2 of our Hawaii adventures!