How could it be Friday already? It is amazing how fast vacation days fly by. All of my comrades were ready to head for one last day on the beach. Anyone who knows me well, knows that sitting on the beach is not my first choice. So today, I decided to spend relaxing on the deck of our condo. The view of the ocean and lagoon was gorgeous.
There was a diary in the condo for guest to fill out about their week. I wrote an entry then caught up on my emails and reading.
When Janet and the two Linda’s returned from the beach, Linda P.’s shell bags were bulging. It was low tide and the beach was loaded with shells. Even though Linda had packed up a big container of shells the night before, she just couldn’t resist adding to her collection today.

After everyone got cleaned up, we headed to Snook Inn for our last night’s dinner. This seafood restaurant is along the Marco River at the end of Bald Eagle Drive, Olde Marco. We ate outside under a covered patio. It was a casual restaurant teaming with customers. There was a singer with a guitar providing live music. I ordered steamed shrimp and left just enough room for a slice of key lime pie. All in all a great way to finish out our week in Southwest Florida and Marco Island.

We were taking an Allegiant flight from Ft. Meyers airport at 6:50 am. That meant getting packed, washing the beach towels and running the dishwasher before heading to bed by 9. We set our alarms very early. Our goal was to leave at 4:30 am. I am happy to report that all four of us were ready in plenty of time. We were on the same flight to Charlotte and then went on two different flights to finish our travels back to Allentown and Harrisburg. We all arrived to our final destinations without any problems. We all agreed that we had had a great relaxing fun week at Marco Island. Who knows where we four college friends will wind up next year?