Neko Harbor was our first destination today. The weather was sunny, 38 degrees and no wind. I didn’t even need to wear gloves. There were two rookeries of Gentoo Penguins. One colony was near the beach while the second one was on top of a snow covered hill. The overlook provided a great view of the penguins. From the hill you could just sit and take in the beauty of the mountains and the bay. No wonder they call Antarctica the White Wilderness.

For many on our tour, this was their 7th continent. In talking to other passenger we found out that for lots of them this was the 10-15th trip or more with Grand Circle /Overseas Adventure Travels. It was fascinating to hear them talk about their previous trips. As they shared their adventures, Frank got a very troubled look on his face. At one point, he covered my ears in an effort to prevent me from catching the travel bug for some of their trips. We are one of the least traveled folks on the cruise.

All in all, the sites we saw today were fantastic. What an amazing place! And to think that it was 38 degrees and sunny! Summer in Antarctica can be quite welcoming indeed!
Oh my gosh!! What an experience!!! Your pics are great!!!!
I didn’t realize you were on a Grand Circle cruise. Joanne and I have taken several river cruises with them in Europe and like the service and accommodations. Your trip to the 7th continent is one you will never forget, I am sure. Bob
Absolutely wonderful, clear pictures. Both Bob and I are very familiar with penguin behavior. Such hardy creatures. Got to love them. We are also familiar with other people’s travel experiences. One couple traveled from one program to another. Actually picked up there belongings into storage and rented an apartment in California near their son for a break. Thanks for sharing your experience. Tell Frank I said too late. The bug has bitten.
One gal on our trip is doing a back to back trip. I can’t imagine that! And yes, I do think it is too late about that travel bug-it has bitten me a long time ago!