Rain again today. Since we were going to get wet anyway, Kate thought we should go to Silver Falls State Park which is about 50 miles south of Portland. I had my doubts. We both put on our rain gear and I added my smart wool socks. If I got soaked to the core, at least I wanted warm feet.
When we arrived the sign explained that the park was a temperate rainforest receiving 80″ of rainfall a year. So the rain theme was perfect and as Kate explained, “Waterfalls are waterfalls!”
Most of Silver Falls State Park was made in 1933 by the Civil Conservation Core and the WPA to give men jobs during the depression. The trails, buildings, and the South Falls Lodge were built during this time. As the name implies “Trail of Ten Falls”, there are ten falls in the park, four of which you can walk behind. The whole loop would have been over 7 miles, but Kate took pity on me and we only did about 5 1/2 miles- 13,650 steps on my Fitbit. My feet were pretty muddy and wet as were my jeans by the time we finished. I was surprised that I actually felt warm, probably from all that walking and jumping around puddles.

It was after 1 when finished and headed for the restrooms. The stone and timber lodge was similar to many of the national park ones built during the depression era. Finding out they had a cafe that was open, we ordered a cup of beer cheese soup and shared a pulled pork panini and ate in front of a toasty blazing fireplace. Hiking works up a powerful appetite!
Tonight we are headed to McMenamin’s Kennedy School for supper and a movie. (Frank, it was the one we ate at years ago with Kelly and Keith Moen.) McMenamin’s is a chain in the Portland area. They buy old buildings and make them into restaurants while preserving the original structure. The Kennedy School has a movie theatre, a soaking pool, and lodging in it too. We are going to see the latest Hunger Games movie.
Later: Back from the movie/dinner experience. I made the mistake of ordering a salad and beer to eat while we were in the theatre. I had not seen the seating arrangement ahead of time. Can you imagine me trying to eat a salad while watching a futuristic movie I know nothing about in the dark on a comfy upholstered chair with an end table to my right? After getting more of the lettuce and fixings on me rather than in my mouth, I abandoned the entree and enjoyed the beer. I should have ordered a slice of pizza! And can you imagine the next thing I heard was Kate whispering, “Mom, wake up! You’re snoring.” Well, what did she expect after that drenching 5 mile hike !
All in all, another day in Portland with daughter Kate taking me out of my comfort zone. What great writing research! So much to write about!
Dori, you have a way with words. I think I would have fell asleep too. But of course, I wouldn’t have even made a 5 mile hike to begin with!!!!