Well, I have been talking about trying new things and being out of my comfort zone. My trip home has had it all. My flight this morning was a 7 am flight to Seattle, then another flight to Phildadelphia at 8:30 with arrival in PHL at 4:30. I knew I would hit rush hour traffic, but I would deal!
Kate explained, “You don’t need to get to the airport before 6. Portland is a small airport. You’ll be fine.” I had my misgivings. Frank and I, being very conservative, always give ourselves the suggested two hour window. To make matters worse, my very savvy daughter also convinced me to use my phone as my boarding pass. “Sure, I can do that,” I thought.
When I got to the airport the security line was horrendous. I asked one of the security guards, “Will I make my flight? It starts boarding at 6:20.” She responded, “You’ll be fine.” Famous last words. About 25 minutes later, shoeless and sweatshirt less, I scrambled to get redressed and rushed to my gate. Sure enough, they were still boarding and there were still a few folks even later than me. Just as I got to the door of the plane, the flight attendant said to me, “You’ll have to check that carry on. The overhead bins are full.” That meant I would have to wait for my luggage on the luggage carousel instead of just taking it with me. No big deal, a few more minutes won’t be that bad, I assured myself.
Once on the plane, the pilot announced that the plane had a flight maintenance issues but it should be fixed momentarily. The momentarily turned out to be a bit longer. We had to exit that plane, board another, making our arrival in Seatlle around 9:1o. Gone was my flight to PHL.
On the reboarding of the Portland to Seattle shuttle, I realized that in very tiny print above the scanning code was TSA pre check (the no wait line). I could have avoided the whole security mess and would have had my suitcase in hand!

Rebooking I was assigned to a noon flight to Chicago, and a 10 pm flight to Philadelphia arriving at 1 am. Driving myself home that late is NOT a wise choice for me. Alaska reserved a hotel room for me in Phillie, so I will be getting home tomorrow morning. I just needed to get a voucher from an agent in Phillie. Hopefully my suitcase will arrive at 1am.

I tried to get on an earlier flight to Philadelphia that was leaving around 7pm. “You have to travel with your luggage,” I was told. Sure, I thought, fat chance it will be in Philadelphia even by 1 am.
1:00 am: No suitcase. After filing my lost luggage claim, I then searched for an Alaskan Airline agent to get my hotel voucher. 1:45 am: No airline agent! Swell. Long story short, I got to the Clarion Hotel at 3 am, paid for the room, and went straight to bed.
Waking up at 8:45, I checked out and got on the hotel shuttle. Since it went right by the lot where I parked my car, the driver stopped to let me off. Hopping into my car, I headed home with very little traffic. 10:30 am: HOME AT LAST!
1. Always allow plenty of time for airport security and print out boarding passes ahead of time!
2. Pay more for non-stops. Less can go wrong.
4. Even on carry on luggage have ID labels visible both inside and out. Take all medications, and essentials in your backpack or purse. Never, never, never let it out of your possession!
5. When all else fails, order a beer, maybe even two!