Since we did not hike much today, Frank and I counted today as a zero day. In the hiker world, that means a zero miles of hiking day set aside for resupplying, etc. For us, it mostly was a day to relax and give our sore leg muscles some rest.
The Bavarian Inn is a very nice hotel. Our complimentary hot breakfast buffet was one of the best ones we’ve ever had. In our customary fashion, Frank chose assorted goodies including biscuits and gravy, while I opted for fruit, yogurt and cold cereal.

Next we decided to rent bikes. They were real clunkers with coaster brakes; we really missed our own ten-speeds. There is a bridge in Waterfront Park that leads to nature trails on 15 acre Blackbird Island. In spite of the challenge of riding the rented antiques, we had fun exploring this area along the Wenatchee River.
After an afternoon at the hot tub and pool, we decided we would try a German restaurant. There were six to choose from, all within easy walking distance from the Bavarian Lodge. We choose the Bavarian Bistro on Front Street. Frank had weiner schnitzel which is breaded veal and I had jaegar ( pronounced yager ) schnitzel which is breaded pork with a mushroom sauce, red cabbage and spaetzle ( a kind of noodle) pictured below.
Below are a few scenes around town; a few show the mountains in the background. All in all, Leavenworth is a really unique place to visit. As Frank put it “Now who in the world would have thought to make a Bavarian alpine village in the middle of Washington state!” Obviously those wise businessmen of Leavenworth fifty some years ago!
The scenery is beautiful and your meals look and sound great!!!