Sunday, August 2nd
Out of our tackily decorated log cabin this morning by 7:20 am. After the hoards of tourist at Paradise yesterday, we wanted to beat the herd. We followed Katie’s dust covered red Pontiac Vibe through the windy roads in Rainier towards the Sunrise Visitors’ Center which is in the northwest section of the park. Along the way we stopped at some scenic viewpoints.

Our thru-hiker daughter had an easy hike planned for us that would junction with a two mile segment of the PCT (Pacific Crest Trail). In total the trail was about a 500′ gain in elevation. Both Frank and I had sore front thighs from yesterday’s trail which Kate explained was about three times the gain. To convince us, she pointed out the word “easy” on the trail sign. Our wise daughter pulled out her trekking poles from her trunk saying “Maybe these would help.” We both claimed one and they were great! (Guess what we will be getting for Christmas!)
Before our hike we all used the pit toilets in the parking area. I got locked in somehow and shouted “Katie, Katie”. I was afraid I would have to call 911 for help. Luckily Kate saved the day and gave the door a hefty push. She just rolled her eyes at my dilemma!

After our easy hike, we left the park. We decided we would head to Yakima (Yack- i- mah), have some lunch along the way, and go our separate ways. We found a restaurant along highway 410 that had an outside BBQ by the Naches River. In Yakima we stopped at a fruit stand to make some much needed fruit, candy and drink purchases.
Kate headed back to Portland while our next destination was north about 100 miles to a town called Leavenworth. I had first learned of this town from Joyce Gehman’s travel blog. The town was established as a logging and fruit packing town in the 1890’s. In 1960 they decided to take advantage of the mountains that surroud the town and make it a Bavarian town. Driving into the town was like being transported to the Bavarian Alps. What a visual delight!

After a great meal at an Italian restaurant (Yes, I know not German, but it was Frank’s choice!) we took a stroll along the quaint streets and even heard a Bavarian concert at the town’s gazebo.

Since I was falling asleep through the concert, it was time to call it a day! Tomorrow will be more exploring in this quaint Bavarian village.
Leavenworth is a beautiful place. Your pictures are so great!!! I bet your swim was fun!