Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Yesterday was our flight home. We left our hotel at about 5:20 am. Our flight was at 7:50 am but considering our track record with driving in the city, we figured we’d better allow for errors. Taking the freeway, we were surprised how easily we got to the Hertz car rental site where we were shuttled to the airport. Since it was a full flight, we even were offered complimentary check in on our carry on luggage, which made our boarding and exiting much easier.
We had a two flight trip. Our first took us to Chicago. Unfortunately that had severe winds and at for about 5-10 minutes we really experienced a lot of turbulence. It was the worst encounter I have ever experienced. Both Linda P. and I get motion sickness and felt sick. During our layover, my nausea passed but Linda’s did not; she continued to feel bad on our second flight. Thank goodness for those white bags in the seat pockets!
We arrived in Philadelphia a little after seven, were in my car by 8, and arrived at Douglassville by 9. We dropped Linda P. off at her mom’s. Frank drove Janet’s car to Michael’s Diner and switching cars, my Mt Holly Springs and Waynesboro friends continued their journey home.
While we had a fantastic trip, we were all very tired and glad to be home!
On a sad note, while we were at the Chicago airport, Frank called to tell me that his father, age 101, passed away.

Lester had been suffering from a UTI and had not been doing well since Easter. While we were expecting this, it is always difficult and I was glad I was on my way home. Many details needed to be made and I wanted to be there to help. Remarkably, Grandpa’s mind was alert right up to just the last few weeks. Lester was a very special man, lived a long and fulfilling life, and will be greatly missed! I know the angels will enjoy his PA Dutch jokes just as we have all these years!

Glad you made it home safely eventhough it was a rough ride! Sorry about Lester’s passing.