“What do you mean you haven’t used those $600 vouchers?” That is the question I posed to my three college friends last November when we were last together. We had all gotten vouchers after getting bumped on our flight home from Key West last April. They were good for up to a year of issuance. So after much consideration and a suggestion from Linda Psomas’ husband , Tom, we decided San Diego would be a great destination.
So here we are. Yesterday was our travel day. Coming from Dubois, Waynesboro, and Mt. Holly Springs near Carlisle, we met up and I drove us to Colonial Parking near the Philadelphia Airport for our 6 pm flight. Except for feeling like squashed sardines on the plane, everything went as planned and we arrived in San Diego last night around 9 pm local time.
My biggest fear was driving on the freeways here. Three of our foursome have agreed to be drivers. Last night was Linda Psomas’ turn. After fooling with the seat controls for a while and carefully documenting all the scrapes and dings on our rented Nissan Altima, we headed for our hotel. Not much traffic and we programmed the GPS to avoid freeways. We arrived at the Holiday Inn Express in La Jolla after 11pm. So far, so good. So ends our first day of our San Diego saga. Stay tuned for updates.